The Prospects and Situation of Accessibility In Nepal : Collection of Articles
NFDN has published this collection of articles on “Accessibility” with the support of architects/engineers, academicians (University professors), disaster actors, accessibility promoters and disability rights activists. This book has covered different aspects of accessibility and universal design. It has treated accessibility as crosscutting issues for various sectors i.e. sports, disaster risk management, transport system, tourism, employment and Water and Sanitation hygiene (WASH). It has also provided a good picture of the situation of accessibility in Nepal, barriers facing by persons with disabilities due to inaccessible environment, appropriate solutions considering the socio-economic context of Nepal, its potentials and challenges as well.
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All the articles published in this publication are listed below.
Disability Inclusive Disaster Risk Reduction in Nepal (Situation, gaps, challenges and way forward) Abstract This article is about disability inclusive disaster risk reduction. It analyzes the current situation, explores gaps between policy and practices, and builds resilient capacity. Inadequate information and reflection on disability are the key drawbacks and challenges while planning, knowledge management and dissemination of issues related to risks and vulnerabilities. This study is based on... Abstract: Sport is the integral part of all human being disregarding their caste, ethnicity, age, sex, and physical status. It has always stood as an effective tool for social harmony, conflict resolution, and enhancement of the physical and mental well-being of individuals. When a player happens to be a person with disability, its importance is... Accessible WASH: Perspective and Practices ABSTRACT This article is written to explore the perspective and practices in accessible WASH in Nepal. The analysis was done using the empirical data collected from the field interviews from diverse stakeholders in different districts of Nepal. These data were complemented by policies and guideline, author’s first hands field observations and published reports and literatures.... Accessibility Audit: Challenges, learning, and good practices Abstract: "Accessibility is a right." It is a basic right of any individual, irrespective of age, gender or disability, to access the infrastructure on his or her own. It is the duty and responsibility of any individual to assure accessibility from the individual's side. But, in the context of Nepal, the attitude towards accessibility, even... Abstract The earthquake that hit Nepal in 2015 received worldwide attention for the devastation it caused to lives and infrastructures. Yet, the impact of it on people with disabilities and experiences of emergency responders and humanitarian assistance providers have remained under-researched. This study aims to explore first-hand experiences faced by emergency responders and humanitarian assistance... Abstract This article outlines a model of employment for women and men with disabilities that encompasses a diverse yet particular approach. Through a disability rights lens, employment outcomes are achieved through addressing disabling barriers created by society rather than changing the individual to fit within society's norms. The Disability Rights Promotion International – Asian Workplace... The Prospects and Situation of Accessibility in Nepal: Collections of Articles Accessibility is a key prerequisite for the rights promotion of persons with disabilities. Accessibility enhances their general mobility, active life, public participation and independent living. It crosscuts in each of the agendas of inclusive development. This is one of the key principles of the United Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), as... Preliminary Pages of the Publication Publisher's note Accessibility is a key prerequisite for the rights promotion of persons with disabilities. Accessibility enhances their general mobility, active life, public participation and independent living. It crosscuts in each of the agendas of inclusive development. This is one of the key principles of the United Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities... Abstract: The following research paper applies disability rights and inclusive design for accessible tourism in Nepal. The research is particularly topical because a new act governing disability rights was passed in Nepal in late 2017. Field work and observation in Nepal included interviews of 10 service providers in the tourism industry, non-governmental organizations (NGO), and... Access to Transport Services for People with Disabilities in Kathmandu This article analyzes the current scenario regarding access to transport services for person with disability (PWD) in Kathmandu Valley. It describes the problems faced by people with disability in access to transportation and highlights the gaps between available policies and their implementation. Nepal has introduced several laws, policies and guidelines, including the recently promulgated People...