Virtual interaction on “Let’s continue talking about mental and psychosocial health”
19 June 2021

National Federation of the Disabled Nepal organized an interaction program entitled, ‘Let’s continue talking about mental health’ with focus on SDG 3- ‘Health and wellbeing’. With a motive to create a platform for sharing and gaining insights from experienced experts, the experts shared their experience, understanding and accomplishments. The program was intended to improvise NFDN as well as OPDs capacity while we advocate for mental health issue. It was organized with an objective of promoting awareness on Mental and psychosocial health issues among OPDs, and to inform on the steps of self-care that can be taken to mitigate mental and psychosocial health issues faced by persons with disability.
The program was targeted at OPDs across the country, we saw 126 participants (67 percent females and 71 percent persons with disability, 82 percent representation from 18-40 age group and 26 percent from Janajati community and 11 percent from Dalit and Madhesi community) in the event. Firstly, Mr. Shantanu Sharma walked us through his journey of depression and suicidal attempt, this story of hope helped us empathize from a perspective of person with depression. Story as such keep reminding on the need to build resilience and work towards mental health. Likewise, Ms. Alisha Adhikari, a Psychologist shared her knowledge on self-care amidst COVID situation, while Dr. Subodh Dhakal, a Psychiatrist explained different mental health issues seen during the pandemic and offered suggestions.