Job Openings at National Federation of the Disabled, Nepal
EOI for the development of comprehensive resource manual for Disability-Inclusive Local Governance (DILG)
Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the development of comprehensive resource manual for Disability-Inclusive Local Governance (DILG) Background: Nepal’s political restructuring has created a three-tier government system, giving local governments key…
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR FIELD SUPERVISOR National Federation of the Disabled Nepal (NFD-N) is the national umbrella organization of persons with disabilities representing more than 400 members organizations throughout the country…
दाबी विरोध सम्बन्धि सूचना
मिति : २०८१ मङ्सिर २६ गते सूचना सूचना सूचना उपरोक्त सम्बन्धमा राष्ट्रिय अपाङ्ग महासंघ नेपालको मिति २०८१/०९/१२ र १३ गते काठमाडौँमा हुने २२औ साधारण सभाको प्रयोजनार्थ प्रकाशित संस्थागत नामावलीमा कोही…
कोटेशन आव्हान गरिएको सूचना
मितिः २०८१ मंसिर २५ गते कोटेशन आव्हान गरिएको सूचना । राष्ट्रिय अपाङ्ग महासंघ नेपालको २२ औँ वार्षिक साधारण सभा यहि मिति २०८१ पौष १२ र १३ गते काठमाण्डौमा हुने भएकोले…
Vacancies for Province Officers
National Federation of the Disabled Nepal (NFDN) is the national umbrella organization of persons with disabilities representing more than 400 member organizations throughout the country. NFDN has been working for…
Published Date: 2nd november 2023 VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR FIELD SUPERVISOR National Federation of the Disabled Nepal (NFDN) is the national umbrella organization of persons with disabilities representing more than 400…