The Prospects and Situation of Accessibility in Nepal: Collections of Articles
Accessibility is a key prerequisite for the rights promotion of persons with disabilities. Accessibility enhances their general mobility, active life, public participation and independent living. It crosscuts in each of the agendas of inclusive development. This is one of the key principles of the United Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), as accessibility needs to be ensured while implementing all other articles and relevant provisions.
Published by: National Federation of the Disabled – Nepal (NFDN)
In partnership with CBM
Editorial team: Manish Prasai: Ph.D scholar, Bimal Paudel, Gianna Catolico and Nirmal Bhandari: Ph.D scholar.
Advisory Team: Mr. Shudarson Subedi: the national president- NFDN. Ms. Tika Dahal: Vice-president- NFDN.
Mr. Raju Basnet: the General Secretary- NFDN.
Publisher:National Federation of Disabled – Nepal (NFDN)
Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu Nepal
P.O. Box No.: 9188
Phone Number: +977-1-4231159
Fax: +977-1-4229522
Layout: Whaddafish! Designs
ISBM: 978-9937-9226-3-0
First Edition: November, 2018.
This book has been prepared through the compilation of the articles from various authors. The opinions expressed in the book are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of National Federation of the Disabled, Nepal (NFDN).
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