National Survey on Living Conditions among individuals with disabilities in Nepal

in Partnership with:  FFO & SINTEF NFDN, being a local coordinating partner, has been implementing the research project entitled “National survey on living condition among individuals with disabilities in Nepal” since first May, 2014 with partnership of Sintef/FFO Norway. This survey is being conducted in the joint ownership and involvement of Government, Disabled Peoples’ Organizations and…

Developing leadership and increasing electoral participation of persons with disabilities in Nepal

in Partnership with:  IFES The project with USAID/IFES “Developing leadership and increasing electoral participation of persons with disabilities in Nepal” was launched from April, 2013 in the mid and far-western regions (6 Districts: Banke, Bardiya, Dang, Kailai, Kanchanpur and Dadeldhura) of Nepal. The project focuses to capacitate and mobilize associations and groups of persons with disabilities,…