Disaster, Disability and Difference: A Study of the Challenges Faced by Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in Post-Earthquake Nepal

The report is prepared by Social Science Baha and published with assistance from the UNDP in Nepal and the National Federation of the Disabled Nepal – NFDN. This research-based report seeks to empirically assess the contemporary landscape of disability in Nepal, with a focus on the unique challenges faced by persons with disabilities (PwDs) in…

Living conditions among people with disability in Nepal

National Federation of Disabled, Nepal in partnership with Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare,  SINTEF, FFO Norway and Valley Research Group has published this report. This report is from the National study on living conditions among people with disabilities carried out in Nepal in 2014-2015. The study was carried out as a household survey…

Post Election Survey among Voters with Disability

Summary of the Document: NFDN in partnership with IFES conducted a survey among the voters with disabilities of far western Nepal after the second constitutional assembly. The study was conducted in the districts: Dang, Bake, Bardiya, Kailali, Kanchanpur. Dadheldura. This study explored the voter expectations about the outcome of the overall conducted voter education, degree…

Holistic Report of Disability Rights Monitoring

Summary of the Document: National Federation of the Disabled, Nepal in partnership with Disability Rights Promotion International (DRPI) of York University, Canada conducted a country wide study on monitoring the rights of persons with disabilities. This holistic report comprises of individual experiences of persons with disabilities on different issues, systemic monitoring of the laws and…

Budget Mapping 2011/12

This document is published by NFDN in partnership with Plan Nepal. The document discusses the budget allocation for disability sector in Nepal by various government ministries and agencies. The study has three core areas- 1. Analysis of the national budget from disability perspective. 2. Exploration of the possible linkage among disability, development and the fiscal…