Rehabilitation Project
Project Title: Rehabilitation Project
Brief Introduction of Project: National Federation of the Disabled Nepal, in partnership with HI, is implementing ‘Rehabilitation’ project for the period October 2019 to September 2022 with the objective of increasing access to rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities across all impairment types in seven provinces of Nepal. Recognizing that there is no systematic detection and referral of people needing rehabilitation as well as no institutional referral linkages between government, PTU and Physical Rehabilitation Centre, there is need for establishment of a sustainable integrated rehabilitation for person with disability in Nepal. This project will establish a sustainable, integrated, public-private partnership (PPP) system for the rehabilitation of person with disabilities in order to improve the mobility and functional independence of rehabilitation services.
Overall Objective: Promoting access of persons with disabilities to comprehensive rehabilitation services in Nepal
Expected Results:
Result 1: The issues of rehabilitation highlighted in public forum, media, civil society and government level
Result 2: Rehabilitation related provisions implemented in line with ARPD – 2074
Result 3: New provisions of rehabilitation included in the public policy of government in a comprehensive way
Result 4: Increased awareness, knowledge and information about comprehensive rehabilitation among the community, DPOs and other stakeholders
Key Activities:
- Carry out policy brief
- Produce and disseminate Rehabilitation Awareness materials
- Produce visual awareness material and disseminate
- Prepare comprehensive rehabilitation advocacy paper
- Conduct Interaction and policy dialogues on comprehensive rehabilitation policy, programs, budget in federal and province level
- Annual review, planning, capacity building, advocacy meeting at federal & province level
- Celebration of International Day of Persons with Disability (IDPD) in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Population at federal & Social Development Ministries at province level to promote Rehabilitation services
Conduct Capacity Building Programme to Disabled Persons’ Organizations (DPOs) and caregivers to carry Advocacy on rehabilitation services